Thanks for visiting the website of the Huddersfield Thespians. We are one of the most established and respected amateur dramatic societies in the region, and we are always looking for new members and new ideas. On this site you will find information about how to get involved whatever your interest – acting, directing, making scenery, publicity, lighting etc. – and also how to support us. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at if anything is not clear or if you have a question.
Being a Thespian has been a part of my life for many years. My brother introduced me to the society, joking as he left for university that I could be his replacement until he came back. Twenty-eight years later I am still here! During these years I have had many great times and experiences with the group – I even met my husband through the thespians!
While I never wanted to appear on stage, the society offers many other ways to play a part, as you can see from the ‘Get involved’ page. My main commitment to the Thespians has been with the stage staff. I have helped construct and paint many sets and have helped out as Stage Manager and on props. Perhaps my most notable role was when I was a “ pheasant chucker” which involved climbing up high above the stage and dropping a stuffed bird at just the right time to make it appear it had been dropped from the sky!
But perhaps the best thing of all about being in the Thespians has been the friendship, fun and laughter we have enjoyed over the years. Whatever your interest we would love to welcome you along. Why not come to one of our workshops? It’s a great way to meet people and get a taste of what we do.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,
Christine Smith