Huddersfield Thespians Annual General Meeting

The Directors of Huddersfield Thespians Limited would like to invite all members (and prospective members) to the Annual General Meeting of the limited company during the 97th season in the society’s history,at 7.30pm  on Wednesday 5 October 2016 at Oakes Mills West.


The Agenda for the evening will be as follows:

  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes from previous Annual General Meeting
  1. President’s address
  1. 2016-17 Season
  1. Presentation of the Company’s Annual Report
  1.                     Election of Directors to the Board of Directors for the Society

Members elect the Board of Directors, but not the specific officers.

  1. Any other business

It is requested that these are tabled as soon as possible to the Secretary, and no later than the beginning of the Annual General Meeting itself.


  1.        Close of main meeting


  1. Meeting of the Board of Directors

This meeting will elect the Society Officers for 2016-17

Please contact the Secretary (Lynne Whitaker) regarding any of the following:

  • Apologies for absence
  • Voting by proxy (paid up members only)
  • Details on the requirements of a Director of the society
  • Items for the agenda under item 7.
  • Any Other Business

Lynne Whitaker,